kac h

KAC NOTICE for Members Access to RESERVOIR

Gate Locking / Unlocking
whilst Scottish Water Contractors on Site

Contractors, George Leslie Ltd, are on site 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday’s carrying out major works for Scottish Water.

The Club has agreed with George Leslie Ltd the joint procedure of Gate locking / Unlocking whilst they are on site until the major work is completed.
A notice of the agreed procedure is now mounted on the locked gate which needs to be read and followed by our Club members when visiting Craigendunton Reservoir.
Thanks for your help during this major work period.

K.A.C (15/07/24)



Dear Members,

Hope you are all enjoying the fishing during this 2024 season. It is regrettable however, that I have to raise rule breaking by a minority of our members at Craigendunton Reservoir.  From feedback, it is evident that this is on the increase with instances such as:  

  • Leaving the locked gate open after entry or leaving. (Scottish Water Rule.)
  • No signing in or out in the log book. (Health & Safety)
  • No recording of catch.
  • The use of oversize spinning lures and some with treble hooks.
  • Traces of banned power bait left on the banks along with discarded nylon   

and general litter scattered around the loch. (Scottish Water Rule.)                          This is just a sample of what we are seeing and it has to stop

Like all Clubs and organisations, we at KAC have rules, all as printed in our membership permit, which should be read and these rules need to be followed. So, please read your permit to familiarise yourself with its contents as being a permit holder of the Club we all have agreed in principle to abide by its contents.
Thanks to those members who have already had reason to approach others on rule breaking and supplying feedback.

Confrontation with a member on rule breaking can spoil an enjoyable day’s fishing for those involved, so let’s all work together to put a stop to it now.

John Budge
KAC President



The above annual competition is open to both our adult and junior members, with fishing commencing at 10am until 4pm when the weigh in will be held at the Club’s container in the car park.

Registration will commence from 9.15am again at the container when you will be required to show your permit in order to take part, please remember it’s a requirement to enter the competition.

All juniors must be accompanied by either a responsible adult member who may fish or a non-member adult who cannot fish.

The competition is open to all our members whether you have a gate key or not as the padlock will be removed at
9am giving every member access.
The padlock will be refitted at 5pm when the gate will be locked again.

Only fly fishing or spinning is permitted and a net must be used at all times.
The competition catch limit to be set on the day and the club rules apply.
Vouchers will be awarded to the heaviest catch for both Adult and Junior members and for the heaviest fish caught on the day.



Some of the well conditioned Rainbows from
Craigendunton and Brown Trout from the River Irvine


Kilmarnock Angling Club Season Tickets


1) Apply via the Kilmarnock Angling Club Facebook page using the private messenger system leaving your full name and address including post code plus a mobile phone contact number

2). Apply via the Kilmarnock Angling Club website leaving your full name and address including post code plus a mobile phone contact number.

Using either of the above methods, you will be contacted by our permit sales team who will give you all the information you require to successfully complete and purchase you permit.

3). Contact us via the KAC dedicated permit hotline phone number ( not manned 24/7) which is 07709 971096 leaving a brief voicemail or text as above your full name and address including post code and you will be contacted via text or voicemail.

For Online Banking:
Upon receipt of deposited membership fee and completed application form, a season ticket will be posted out within ten working days.

Bank of Scotland: KAC Account No: 00466484 Sort Code: 80-08-53

The details you supplied will be held securely by the club and not passed on to any third parties without your written permission.

*The foloowing 4 rules apply to both the river Irvine and tributaries, Craigendunton Reservoir and Mary's :och:

  • Permits must be carried whilst fishing club waters and must be shown on request
  • In line with the West of Scotland Protection Order, members must agree to bag inspections on request.
  • Appropriate landing nets to be carried and used at all times when landing fish
  • For catch and release netted fish should be kept in the water whilst being unhooked using wetted hands to prevent fish scale damage and premature fish loss. Barbless hooks preferable.

River Irvine and Tributaries                                                                                                           
 * All the above 4 rules plus the following.

  • Catch kill limit 3 brown trout per day. All migratory fish caught must be returned to the water unharmed
  • For catch and release, netted fish should be kept in the water whilst being unhooked, using wetted hands to prevent fish scale damage and premature fish loss. Barbless hooks preferable.
  • All fish under 10 inches to be returned.
  • No digging river banks for bait
  • Set lining prohibited. This means that if your line is in the water, your rod must be in your hand!
  • Please read all additional rules / information set out in the permit

Craigendunton Reservoir and Mary’s loch.

* All of the above 4 rules plus the following.         
1.  As a matter of Health & Safety before fishing, all anglers must enter name, membership number, date and time in log book in hut. On leaving, catch and time must be accurately recorded in the log book.

2. All members are responsible for ensuring that the hut is locked after their use.

3. All Junior members must be accompanied by an adult member at all times.

4. Catch Limit - 2 fish per day except in competitions.

All Brown Trout to be returned unharmed.

5. For catch and release, netted fish should be kept in the water whilst being unhooked, using wetted hands to prevent fish scale damage and premature fish loss. Barbless hooks preferable.

6.   All fish under 10 inches to be returned.

7.  Fly and spinning allowed on main loch with fly fishing only on back loch (Mary’s Loch).

8. No bait of any description artificial or live to be used or carried.

9. Floats prohibited. Sight / Strike indicators prohibited. Hooked variants prohibited.

10. No multi hook fly lures (tandem), scented flies, lumi grubs or their derivatives to be used.

11. Spinning rods limited to 10 feet in length, with spinning lures restricted to 50mm in 
length, maximum weight of 12 grams. Single hooks only no trebles.

12. More than one rod can be carried but only one rod can be set up at any one time.

13. Set lining prohibited. This means that if your line is in the water, your rod must be in your hand!

14. When fishing, any angler who is maintaining a stationary position must allow other
anglers who are moving along whilst fishing to pass through and fish on through them  

15. No camping or fires allowed.

16. Please read all additional rules / information set out in the permit.

Rainbow Trout Season - 15th March to 31st January Craigendunton Reservoir
Brown Trout Season   - 15th March to 6th October
Salmon Season            - 15th March to 15th November

2024 Season Ticket Prices                                                                                                           Permit covers both River / Tributaries and Craigendunton Reservoir
(additional refundable leased reservoir access key required )
Adult  £70 + key (if required )
OAP   £50 + key (if required )
Junior £15

No access key to Craigendunton will be supplied to Junior Members

  • Juniors must be accompanied by a KAC Adult Member, who has key access,
    at all times when fishing at Craigendunton Reservoir
  • Any New Adult Member who wishes to fish Craigendunton Reservoir will require a key for access. A key can be leased from the club for £20, returnable when said key is returned to the Club if not required.  

Visitors Fishing Permits
Craigendunton Reservoir Guest Visitor
Day tickets will only be issued to a guest visitor who is accompanied by an adult member.

No key will be issued to a guest visitor and can only gain access to Craigendunton
Reservoir when accompanied by a key holder adult member.

River Day Tickets 
River Day Ticket Permits may be issued to visitors and are available by contacting the dedicated phone number 07709 971096 leaving a brief voicemail or text with your full name and address including post code and you will be contacted via text or voicemail.

All members should read all that is written in their permits to ensure they are fully aware of the contents.

West Strathclyde Protection Order 1988
The West Strathclyde Protection Order 1988 came into force on 7th October 1988. Fishing for or taking fresh water fish in waters of Kilmarnock Angling Club, Warranted Bailiffs, Gamekeepers and Police Officers and allow them to inspect the fish and tackle in their possession. All members should protect the Club waters by ensuring that only holders of Membership Cards or Permits are allowed to fish on our waters.


2024 Pre - Season Meeting 1st March at 7PM

The Kilmarnock Angling Club’s pre-season meeting for 2024 season has been organised for Friday 1st March at Kay Park Bowling Club.

The meeting is open to all, not just our members, so you are all welcome to attend and have a hopefully enjoyable evening

The evening will consist of an update on the Club matters, the presentation of the cup awards to the 2023 competition winners, the ever-popular raffle draws with good prizes and the free permit draw for those members who made a migratory fish return for 2023 and are in attendance on the night.

The entrance fee of £2 for adults and £1 for juniors is passed to the bowling club to cover the food which will be served on the night.

As always, a good turnout would be appreciated as a lot of work has gone into organising the event and it is a chance to get together before the start of the season on 15th March.

Look forward to see you on the 1st March at Kay Park Bowling Club.


A kindly reminder for those wishing to become KAC members, if you do not have access to online banking and wish to make cash payment. Come along to the Kay Park Bowling Club on any of the following dates between 6pm to 8pm.




Friday 19/01/2024

Friday 09/02/2024

Friday           08/03/2024

These are the only dates available for cash payment


Application Form for Membership

On the application form for membership there is a printing error in the online banking section at the bottom of the page, which contains KAC banking details for making your payment.
The account number has for some reason the numbers 02 tagged on to the end, which is causing some confusion.

Please accept KAC’s apologies for the oversight, however, some of our members managed a payment by simply omitting the 02 and their payment went through no problem.

To avoid further confusion the corrected details of the Clubs bank account are as follows:


KAC ACCOUNT No: 00466484

SORT CODE: 80-08-53


Registration/Catch Returns 2023

A reminder to our members to get their catch returns in by 30th November.
You just complete the form – remove it from the permit, and get it to John before 30th November so he can forward the data to Marine Science Scotland.

A return should be made by all members, even if you didn’t catch fish, for the majority – you just record nil in the catch section and get it back to us in time.

A free 2024 permit is awarded to the lucky member who’s return is drawn out of the hat at the pre season meeting in March 24 and is attendance on the pre season night.

Thanks for all those who have already made their returns


Migratory Catch Returns 2023

Just a reminder to our members that your catch returns for migratory fish must be sent / delivered to our Vice President John Budge before the end of November.

This is a mandatory requirement of KAC as set by Marine Scotland.

A return must be made even if no fish were caught so as Marine Scotland can also establish how much time was put in by KAC members on the river fishing for salmon, grilse and sea trout.

John’s address is shown in your permit middle page





The Scottish Government has announced on the 19th January 2016
that the River Irvine, Garnock and tributaries is now rendered as a
Catch and Release for all migratory fish. (Category 3)

All migratory fish caught must be returned to the water
until further notice.

This announcement, covering Salmon and Sea Trout, will affect all
anglers in Scotland fishing other rivers and not just for our own stretch
of the River Irvine and its Tributaries.

Any updates will be added to the website as soon as they develop.





An overview can be seen at Marine Scotland



Notice to all members

Hymalayan Balsam when in season Please help to remove this evasiveplant                             

Manual pulling. This is a slow technique only really suitable for low density infestations. Pulling should be performed prior to the formation of seed pods. The plant should be uprooted if possible as this ensures that new shoots can’t develop. This method is highly suited to dealing with initial outbreaks of the species.

As HB is an annual and its seed viability is thought to be around two years, it can be eradicated in a relatively short period of time with sufficient effort. Strategic control from the upstream limit would be required to achieve this goal.

In order that the club can contact you please send details of your email address,please click HER

New guidance on handling fish for release
Click here to view "Catch & Release" leflet


Please email details and pictures of any fish you have caught HERE.